Depending on the school in which you are planning to register, there may or may not be a waiting list. We have some programs that aren’t full, and others in which we are already at or nearing capacity.
Yes if space is available. If you are registering during the school year, the complete registration package and non-refundable registration fees must be returned with a calendar for the month that you wish your children to begin using the program. The appropriate month’s calendar can be obtained by emailing the Program for the school your children attend.
To guarantee that you have a space: Ensure that the complete Registration Package is returned by the due date provided on the cover letter.
If your child is sick and you call in to cancel a session, there is no credit. We have already staffed according to our numbers for the day and cannot cancel staff on short notice.
Yes, provided there is space. You must phone or text in advance to inquire; do not email. Ideally we ask for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours’ notice, but we can often accept additional uses at the last minute.
There is a late fee levied: $25.00 for each fifteen (15) minutes, or portion thereof, that you are late. Blizzard days are exempted. If you are going to be late, please contact the program so that staff is aware. Children also worry and if we know you will be late, we can reassure your children that you are on your way. After three late pick-ups, fees double for the duration of the school year or services will be discontinued.
We do a great deal of programming and teaching around the themes we investigate and the crafts we create each month. Craft time gives children the opportunity to stretch their imagination, develop fine motor skills, discover their creativity, and learn new skills (such as problem solving) thereby gaining new knowledge and confidence. If a child absolutely refuses to participate, they may choose to sit with the group and do a solitary quiet activity such a reading a book. Also, craft time can (and often does include) experiments, exploration and fosters self-expression. Not all crafts are mandatory, however we encourage everyone to try their best!
Only staff members have access to your Registration and Medical Forms. They are locked up when not in use to ensure confidentiality is not breached. All of our staff have a successfully completed Criminal Record Checks.
We provide a space on the Registration Form to add the names of other people who have your permission to pick up your children and we ask that you complete it as fully as possible. We do check the forms on file to ensure the person picking up your child has permission. It is fine for others who are not listed to pick-up and drop off your child provided we receive written notice. If we do not receive notice, we will not allow your child to leave unless we can speak with you directly. Please advise your designate that they will be asked to provide ID.
Formal notification is required, either by letter or email, and withdrawal from the Program requires ONE MONTH’S PAID NOTICE. Notification should be given by the 20th of the month prior to the last month and should state the last day that your child will attend. Please note that there are NO REFUNDS. As we always strive to better the Program, an Exit Interview may be requested.